Sir good morning, I am Daniel Chandra from Fiji, one prayer request, for me, my son Akshat Eleen Anubhav Chand and daughter Akiriti Ashyleen Anubhav Chand, in the area of prosperity, sir, I am already in debts and soon I will be without finances. please one request, if you can pray for me to break all soul ties with my deceased ancestors -father SHYAM SUNDAR and mother -PUSHPA WATI, and Hindu idols where we used to pray when we were young, now I am a baptized born again Christian, still I am undergoing these severe attacks. Pray for us to break all soul ties with my deceased sister and brother, because sir all dreams I am seeing is of all of my family members, and and blood sacrificed made to Hindu gods by some animal, my deceased ancestors or generations, or any generational curses by my ancestors or my deceased family members, through pre-mature deaths , bloodline, deceased sister Hem Lata, FATHER SHYAM SUNDAR- and mothers house PUSPHA WATI, my deceased father SHYAM SUNDAR during our young days, used to sacrifice some form of animal blood sacrifice, to hindu idols , I am born again Christian, and this devil/unclean spirits that are tormenting and giving me physical pain, I think is my deceased father SHYAM SUNDAR from the pit of hell. Every night, I see 2-3 dreams, all sometimes brothers, sometimes sisters, father, mother, and also the place on our land where we used to pray to hindu gods when we were young, presently in the school where I teach are dominated by hindu students, and during classes I can easily smell something related to hindu prayers by its smell on those students who has prayed to Daniel. hindu temple, these evil spirits who torment me, I think are part of these hindu temples ,also I can be ancestral spirits or generational curses,
please request a prayer for us so that all this ancestral spirits and generational curses from my ancestors which has chained us for many years-strongholds leave us so that we may receive lords prosperity miracles, thank you so much for praying for me – DANIEL