Living Freedom as Christians: Insights from St. Josemaria

St Josemaria Escriva on living freedom as Christians

As we approach the celebration of the birthday of the United States on Independence Day, the teachings of St. Josemaria Escriva on the virtue of freedom can offer profound insights into understanding this virtue and implementing it in our own lives. St. Josemaria emphasized that real freedom is deeply intertwined with the pursuit of holiness and the ability to choose the good. Here are some of his most inspiring thoughts on this virtue, illustrating how important living freedom as Christians is for us.

“The mission to serve which the Divine Master has entrusted to us is a great and beautiful mission. — That is why this good spirit —which entails great self-mastery! — is perfectly compatible with the love of freedom that should pervade the work of all Christians.”

Forge, 144

“Consider now the sublime moment when the Archangel Gabriel announces to the Virgin Mary the plans of the Most High. Our Mother listens, and asks a question to understand better what the Lord is asking of her. Then she gives her firm reply: Fiat! Be it done unto me according to thy word! This is the fruit of the best freedom of all, the freedom of deciding in favor of God.”

Freedom, A Gift from God – Homily

“Where does our freedom come from? It comes from Christ Our Lord. This is the freedom with which he has ransomed us. That is why he teaches, ‘if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.’ We Christians do not have to ask anyone to tell us the true meaning of this gift, because the only freedom that can save man is Christian freedom.” 

Friends of God, 35-36

“We have a duty to defend the personal freedom of everyone, in the knowledge that ‘Jesus Christ is the one who obtained that freedom for us’.”

Friends of God, 171

St. Josemaria Escriva’s teachings on freedom are a beacon for those seeking to live a life of genuine liberty. By understanding and embracing his wisdom, we can navigate our lives with the profound realization that freedom is not about doing what we like, but having the right and responsibility to do what we ought. His insights remind us that true freedom is found in our relationship with God and our commitment to live according to His will. (Read St. Josemaria’s full homily of freedom from his book, Friends of God.)

Incorporating these teachings into our daily lives can help us experience the joy and serenity that comes with true freedom, guiding us towards a life of holiness and fulfillment. By living freedom as Christians, we not only better ourselves but also contribute to a more just and loving society.
