Welcome to Fairest Love Families! This series highlights families throughout the United States who have a love for their Catholic faith and a devotion to the Blessed Mother.

Introducing Stephanie and Steven… By a crazy circumstance, the two attended high school together but didn’t officially connect until many years later through social media! They have one boy with the hopes of growing their little family even more. 

Stephanie shares with us how her devotion to Our Lady helped turn her life around and how it influenced her growth in the faith…

Do you have any religious traditions that you keep as a family?

I love Christmas time. We have an Advent candle, and we light the different color sticks throughout the week when we are gathered for meal times. For years, my son has looked forward to moving the wise men closer to the nativity set. 

I would like to do more… We are returning Catholics as of 3 years now and still learning and growing in our practices. We would love to do special feast days at home with traditional meals.

What role does your faith play in your family life?

It’s everything. Without my faith, I wouldn’t be the happy, calm person that I am today. 

I want my son to know how important God is and how special Our Holy Mother Church is. We are involved with our parish and open the invite to bring others to church with us. 

What is your favorite family devotion?

I like Chaplets. We pray the rosary daily because Mary asked us to do so, and graces help so much in our lives to get along and grow in charity. 

My son and I listen to Father Parker almost every night before bed. Father Parker does an hour devotional full of many special prayers. 

Share a moment when the Blessed Mother has helped you through a difficult time or a challenge you faced as a family…

My now husband and I separated for a couple years when our son was little, and through the rosary, our family was reunited. 

My husband and I completed RCIA together and were confirmed just before getting married into the Church. God is so good. 

What do you hope your children understand from your devotion to Our Lady? 

To Jesus through Mary. She will help us in all our needs.  

What about your faith do you hope to impart on your children?

Stay close to the Church and study the Faith. Always pray the rosary and never despair… There is always hope with God.