A Prayer for Family Members Who Have Fallen Away from the Church
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A Prayer for Family Members Who Have Fallen Away from the Church

St. Monica is the patroness of wives, mothers, and conversions. She prayed for 17 years for the conversion of her son, St. Augustine, as well as the conversion of her husband and mother-in-law. We can turn to her when we experience our own struggles in the family, especially when praying for those who have fallen…

Saints To Pray To During Tough Times In Marriage
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Saints To Pray To During Tough Times In Marriage

For couples living out their vocation in marriage, tough times will come and go. When things get particularly difficult, it is essential to turn to God in prayer for strength. It can also be helpful to look to those who have gone before us. Here are five examples of holy marriage lived out by saints….

Practical Ways to Incorporate Prayer into Your Family’s Daily Routine
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Practical Ways to Incorporate Prayer into Your Family’s Daily Routine

The busyness of Catholic family life can make prayer with the entire family a dream for that elusive time when “things calm down.” If this is your reality, today’s blog is for you: read on for practical tips to incorporate prayer into your family’s everyday routine. Even sports, clubs, and work can’t keep family prayer…

Holy Family Prayer – 6 Prayers to Support Your Family

Holy Family Prayer – 6 Prayers to Support Your Family

As Ven. Fr. Patrick Peyton famously said, “The family that prays together stays together.” Praying together as a family and praying for a holy family can be profoundly beneficial to the strength and holiness of all the family members. Below we’ve shared a number of prayers to the Holy Family for your family. Feel free…