5 Quotes from St. Josemaria to Begin Again
The New Year brings new outlooks and a revived ambition to do things well! The key to making resolutions is to persist in keeping them even when it may be the hardest. What builds virtue is the will to begin again. Thankfully the saints understood that, and through their example and words, we can all seek to begin again! We’d like to share 5 quotes from St. Josemaria Escriva of how to begin again:
“Conversion is the task of a moment; sanctification is the work of a lifetime. The divine seed of charity, which God has sown in our souls, wants to grow, to express itself in action, to yield results which continually coincide with what God wants. Therefore, we must be ready to begin again, to find again — in new situations — the light and the stimulus of our first conversion.” Christ is Passing By, 58
“Spiritual life is — and I repeat this again and again, on purpose — a constant beginning and beginning again.—Beginning again? Yes! Every time you make an act of contrition — and we should make many every day — you begin again, because you offer a new love to God.” The Forge, 384
Another fall, and what a fall! Must you give up hope? No. Humble yourself and, through Mary, your Mother, have recourse to the merciful Love of Jesus. A miserere, and lift up your heart! And now begin again.” The Way, 711
“For a son of God each day should be an opportunity for renewal, knowing for sure that with the help of grace he will reach the end of the road, which is Love.That is why if you begin and begin again, you are doing well. If you have a will to win, if you struggle, then, with God’s help, you will conquer! There will be no difficulty you cannot overcome!” The Forge, 344
“A Christian’s struggle must be unceasing, for interior life consists in beginning and beginning again.” Christ is Passing By, 75